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Why Should You Go For A Professional Contract Valeting

Every automobile owner desires a tidy, sanitary vehicle. However, obtaining a deep automobile cleaning looks like a tough nut to crack in today's hectic world. Most automobile owners merely ignore cleaning, especially in the present Covid-19 era when it has become imperative to keep the virus at bay.

Fortunately, you may valet your automobile with car valeting services. Regardless of your automobile, our seasoned mobile valeting service comes to you and thoroughly cleans it with state-of-the-art tools and equipment. So, let's find out the response.

What is A Car Valeting Service?

Professional valets specialising in car valeting properly clean the interior and outside of the vehicle. Valeting services are available on several levels, and most professionals provide a variety of packages to accommodate various requirements and price ranges.

While other contract valeting packages provide a full exterior or interior clean, some add other elements. An extensive exterior and interior clean, wax or sealer applied to the paintwork, and the tire and trim treatment to the outside plastic and rubber are all common components of a valet.

Why Professional Mobile Car Valeting Is A Good Idea

A professional mobile vehicle valeting business offers specialised services and uses methods that aren't often seen in a typical self-service car wash. But why, in the first place, should you engage a valeting service? The answer has several components.

Regardless of the weather, they visit you at home.

A reputable auto valeting business could clean your vehicle if you needed it immediately. As a competent crew will visit your location and do everything for your automobile at your desired place, you will feel as though you received quick treatment in this manner. You won't need to travel, saving you much time and effort.

Valuing Equipment, Cleaners, and Tools

A reputable mobile valeting company is well-equipped with various cleaning tools, from steam cleaners to static pressure washers to jet washers, among other things. A reputable mobile valeting business always has PH-neutral auto valeting materials on hand to clean your car's interior and exterior and leave it sparkling.

Defends Against Viruses and Dirt

To stop the transmission of viruses like COVID-19 caused by the coronavirus pandemic, the inside surfaces of vehicles must be cleaned and sanitised. Between users, it is necessary to clean and sanitise cars and other vehicles used by several individuals, such as taxis, rental cars, delivery vans, and trucks.

The government's advice on safety measures during coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks notably applies to anyone working in or from vehicles. It provides a wealth of vital information on maintaining the cleanliness of the vehicle to prevent transmission via contact with contaminated surfaces. Our valeting services will guarantee both the cleanliness of the car and the client's security.

Perfect for a Snowy Area

Driving in the winter is a complete nightmare. In the winter, pulling out of the driveway seems like you are entering a soggy combat zone that is slippery, messy, and generally unpleasant—if not for you, then certainly for your car.

Winter makes it challenging to keep your car clean. In addition to making driving uncomfortable, materials such as snow, mud, salt, and other substances can harm your car.


In the long run, employing the same car valeting services would be more reliable to have your car cleaned and maintained regularly. You may feel secure knowing that your car is always in skilled hands in this manner. When you engage in a car valeting service, you are renting the knowledge and abilities of experts and skilled valeters. Specialist experts should always service your car because of their superior expertise.

Over the past 20 years, Secure Group has changed from our initial concentration on contract valeting for the UK automotive sector to providing valeting, driving, inspection, and progress-chaser portal with images, HD video, and digital backgrounds from our Auto Imaging subsidiary. Contact us today!


01480 216 700

Secure Valeting Limited, 8 Marlborough Road, Colmworth Business Park, Eaton Soon, St. Neots, PE19 8YP.

Registered in England and Wales, registration number: 03609471. Secure Valeting Ltd. is part of Secure Automotive Support Ltd.



01480 216700


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